Week 8

The main message that I found in the readings/videos for this week, was that there is hope for change in the future, to not give up, get discouraged and quit because times get hard. Particularly moving to me was Elder Holland in the video "Good Things to Come". I can only imagine how tempting it was to give in to despair, as he was taking his young little family in a car that broke down and wouldn't make the trip, with no money. I wish he had shared with us the ending of that particular experience, and how he got thousands of miles to his destination. What miracles came to pass that got him where he needed to go? We know he got there because he describes driving down the same road many years later and imagines giving his younger self advice:

"Don't you quit! You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead..."

As I've done the assignments for my courses the past two semesters, I've had the opportunity to learn new skills and much self-reflection. I've been reminded that my first career choice - motherhood and homemaking - is still active with four kids still at home. I recognized that seeking employment outside the home to help provide for my family can be a part of motherhood, if I seek a job that allows me to continue to put my family first, depending on the type of job I seek. I've spent time looking at different jobs and careers that I might pursue based on previous experiences and education. I found a career that I am perfectly qualified to do, but it will be a 9-hour workday, plus an hour commute time each way. That might be a wonderful place to work, with a good salary, but I would be gone from the house for 11+ hours a day. I didn't choose to make years of sacrifices to make motherhood and homemaking my career, only to abandon it and my family, by pursuing a different career that will take me out of the home and render me basically unavailable. Instead, I applied for a job with the school district driving a school bus, to allow me greater flexibility and more time for my family. It will help to provide for my family. It will give me the opportunity to see people every day, rather than work behind a computer screen all day. This job will be a stepping stone along my path. I will continue to learn new skills as directed by the Spirit, and perhaps eventually, I will find a job or less demanding career that will allow me to use my gifts and talents in a way that feels like I have found my calling. And perhaps I will love it! Perhaps I will want to do it for years to come. 

I will continue to walk the path of lifelong learning, seeking to improve my skills, education, knowledge, and the quiet gentle guidance from the Lord.


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